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Our hockey team played in the West Oxfordshire County finals. The atrocious weather and unfavourable score line's made it a lesson in character development, particularly building reslience. Well done to you all!
Young Voices was amazing! We joined 3000 children singing to over 6000 people in the Birmingham Arena. There was an incredible atmosphere of pure joy, energy and enthusiasm. It is an event the staff, parents and children will never forget.
As part of their 'Under the Sea' topic, Blake class had a wonderful day at the Sea Life Centre in Birmingham where they saw sharks, turtles, jellyfish and many more incredible sea creatures.

Our Under 11 Girls Team did us proud at the County Cross Country Finals.  They gave their all against some tough competition. Well done!

Our puppeteers were just one of several groups that showed their work from our Friday Enrichment Programme.  The children are getting a wonderful range of activites to try, including being in a rock band, tag rugby, Jessie's Art Shed, karate, choir, ukulele, tennis and show time.

Our dance troupe took part in the New Theatre Oxfordshire Dance Festival.  The children showed great courage and skill to stand on a stage in front of hundreds of people and deliver a brilliant performance. 

All of the children, staff and many parents took part in the Act of Remembrance around our Peace Garden to remember the brave men and women who gave their lives serving our country so that we can all live our lives freely today. 

Our school community came together to pass 121 gift-filled, shoe boxes down the road from our school hall to St Giles church.  Thank you to everyone for their generosity that will bring joy to children in Eastern Europe this Christmas. 

Team Standlake took 48 children to the West Oxfordshire Cross Country event in Bicester.  We were very proud of every runner, especially our Under 11 girls team who qualified for the County finals.

Our Eco club are showing a passion for taking action to protect our climate; starting with the removal of plastic from our local area.  They are working towards achieving the national Schools Eco Award by the end of the year. 

Team Standlake took part in a West Oxfordshire Boccia Tournament with 18 other schools and reached the quarter finals.  They showed great sportsmanship and support for each other.  We are very proud of you!

Brass Performance

We were delighted to receive a generous cheque for £2500 from James Cooper, son of Joseph Cooper, of JJ Cooper and Sons who own Lincoln Farm in Standlake. The money will go towards buying new books for our library. 

Mrs Sheehan led an assembly explaining  the importance of staying active and having a healthy body and mind.  It was a great launch to our 100km challenge - all of the children walking, jogging or running 100km around our new school track by the end of the year!